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  • Umbrella Clause and Investment Contracts under Chinese BITs: Are the Later Covered by the Former?
  • 发布日期:2015/04/09 00:00:00


Umbrella Clause and Investment Contracts under Chinese BITs: Are the Later Covered by the Former?




Journal of World Investment and Trade


Vol.11, No.2, 2010




This article therefore attempts to examine the umbrella clauses in Chinese BITs and investment contracts in China by mainly referring to jurisprudence in arbitration and court cases. It will first examine the umbrella clauses in Chinese BITs and discuss their legal implications by referring to jurisprudence of recent arbitration cases. It then move son to analyse the main issues  relating to investment contracts in China, including their nature,  governing law, stabilization clause, governmental guarantees and  dispute settlement. It concludes that whilst joint venture contracts normally are not states contracts, joint  exploitation and BOT contracts are likely to be considered as state contract subject  to the protection of umbrella clause under applicable  investment treaties.